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Get Started With Architectury

To get started, you can either:

  1. Download Architectury Templates and import it as a Gradle project, or;
  2. Generate updated templates from the template generator, explained further on (Updated Templates).

In any case, you will want to change every reference of examplemod to your mod, this includes gradle.properies, fabric.mod.json, META-INF/mods.toml, quilt.mod.json (If Applicable), and relocate the classes. You will also need to change the access widener file name in common/build.gradle.

I don't want Architectury API...

Remove lines related to Architectury API in each of the build.gradle in common/, fabric/, and forge/. They should look at this:

dependencies {
    // We depend on fabric loader here to use the fabric @Environment annotations and get the mixin dependencies
    // Do NOT use other classes from fabric loader
    modImplementation "net.fabricmc:fabric-loader:${rootProject.fabric_loader_version}"
    // Remove the next line if you don't want to depend on the API
-   modApi "dev.architectury:architectury:${rootProject.architectury_version}"

I want Yarn instead...

Replace the line for the default Mojang Mappings in the root build.gradle, with one that references Yarn instead:

subprojects {
    apply plugin: "dev.architectury.loom"
    loom {
    dependencies {
        minecraft "com.mojang:minecraft:${rootProject.minecraft_version}"
-       // The following line declares the mojmap mappings, you may use other mappings as well
-       mappings loom.officialMojangMappings()
        // The following line declares the yarn mappings you may select this one as well.
-       // mappings "net.fabricmc:yarn:@YARN_MAPPINGS@:v2"
+       mappings "net.fabricmc:yarn:@YARN_MAPPINGS@:v2"


Basically, follow their instructions according to Fabric/Loom, with the exception that the Parchment repository block is placed in allprojects

allprojects {
    apply plugin: "java"
    apply plugin: "architectury-plugin"
    apply plugin: "maven-publish"
    archivesBaseName = rootProject.archives_base_name
    version = rootProject.mod_version
    group = rootProject.maven_group
    repositories {
-       // Add repositories to retrieve artifacts from in here.
-       // You should only use this when depending on other mods because
-       // Loom adds the essential maven repositories to download Minecraft and libraries from automatically.
-       // See
-       // for more information about repositories.
+       maven {
+           name = 'ParchmentMC'
+           url = ''
+       }

… and the mappings dependency in subprojects:

subprojects {
    apply plugin: "dev.architectury.loom"
    loom {
    dependencies {
        minecraft "com.mojang:minecraft:${rootProject.minecraft_version}"
        // The following line declares the mojmap mappings, you may use other mappings as well
-       mappings loom.officialMojangMappings()
+       // Use mojmap with ParchmentMC
+		mappings loom.layered() {
+           officialMojangMappings()
+           parchment("${rootProject.minecraft_version}:@PARCHMENTMC_MAPPINGS_YY.MM.DD@zip")
+       }
-       // The following line declares the yarn mappings you may select this one as well.
-       // mappings "net.fabricmc:yarn:@YARN_MAPPINGS@:v2"

This is all performed in the root build.gradle script.

Updated templates

Since the upstream modloaders and API's are regularly updating, it may be ideal to generate an up-to-date template:

  1. Download the latest code as a ZIP
  2. Extract it and perform the runLocal task, e.g. gradlew runLocal, import into IntelliJ (under “Tasks > other > runLocal”), etc.
  3. Check freshly generated templates under build/templates.

Be aware of different flavours on Releases, e.g. fabric-quilt is not recommended.

The generated templates will be automagically versioned with the most recent release of Architectury API, Forge, Fabric, Quilt, etc. libraries/loaders where applicable.

Next steps

You can learn about:

  1. Additional gradle configurations for e.g. using libraries or depending on other mods;
  2. The Loom build plugin, used as a replacement to ForgeGradle;
  3. Get coding with the Architectury API; or