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wiki:plugin:get_started [2022/09/12 11:39] – created shedanielwiki:plugin:get_started [2022/09/16 13:57] (current) – Deleted shedaniel
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-====== Get Started With Architectury ====== 
-To get started, download templates from [[https://github.com/architectury/architectury-templates/releases/|Architectury Templates]] and import it as a Gradle project. 
-You will want to **change every reference** of examplemod to your mod, this includes ''gradle.properies'', ''fabric.mod.json'', ''META-INF/mods.toml'', ''quilt.mod.json'' (If Applicable), and relocate the classes. You will also need to change the access widener file name in ''common/build.gradle''. 
-==== I don't want Architectury API... ==== 
-Remove lines related to Architectury API in each of the ''build.gradle'' in ''common/'', ''fabric/'', and ''forge/''. They should look at this: 
-<code diff> 
-dependencies { 
-    // We depend on fabric loader here to use the fabric @Environment annotations and get the mixin dependencies 
-    // Do NOT use other classes from fabric loader 
-    modImplementation "net.fabricmc:fabric-loader:${rootProject.fabric_loader_version}" 
-    // Remove the next line if you don't want to depend on the API 
--   modApi "dev.architectury:architectury:${rootProject.architectury_version}" 
-==== I want Yarn instead... ==== 
-Replace the line for the default Mojang Mappings in the root ''build.gradle'', with one that references Yarn instead: 
-<code diff> 
-subprojects { 
-    apply plugin: "dev.architectury.loom" 
-    loom { 
-        silentMojangMappingsLicense() 
-    } 
-    dependencies { 
-        minecraft "com.mojang:minecraft:${rootProject.minecraft_version}" 
--       // The following line declares the mojmap mappings, you may use other mappings as well 
--       mappings loom.officialMojangMappings() 
-        // The following line declares the yarn mappings you may select this one as well. 
--       // mappings "net.fabricmc:yarn:@YARN_MAPPINGS@:v2" 
-+       mappings "net.fabricmc:yarn:@YARN_MAPPINGS@:v2" 
-    } 