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Forge Data Generators

NOTE: This is only for Forge projects! Data Generators are still in development for Architectury projects. Fabric projects can follow Fabric Loom documentation.

Data Generators Support has been added to Architectury Loom, starting from 0.6.55, this is how you declare it:

loom {
    dataGen {
        mod "YOUR MODID HERE"

Run runData or use your IDE's run configurations to generate the assets, should be the same as ForgeGradle.

Architectury Loom automatically adds the following arguments: –all –mod <the mod ids> –output <path to src/generated/resources>, if you wish to add more (like –existing), following is an example on how to add additional arguments:

loom {
    launches {
        data {
            arg "--existing", file("src/main/resources").absolutePath