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wiki:api:networking [2022/09/12 11:58] – created shedanielwiki:api:networking [2022/09/16 13:56] (current) – Deleted shedaniel
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-====== Networking ====== 
-There are currently a few ways to setup networking with Architectury API: 
-  * [[#receiver-callback|Receiver Callback (Fabric-Like)]] 
-  * [[#message-channel|Message Channel (Forge-Like)]] 
-===== Differences between Server and Logical Server ===== 
-When you join a world in singleplayer, Minecraft fires a local integrated server. This is to separate the client and the server (logical server) logics, and to allow Opening to LAN. 
-====== Receiver Callback ====== 
-Each type of message is differentiated by a ''ResourceLocation'', start by statically declaring one, so we can use it later. 
-<code java> 
-public static final ResourceLocation EXAMPLE_PACKET_ID = new ResourceLocation("examplemod", "example_packet"); 
-===== Registering the Handler ===== 
-Now, depending on the direction of the transmission, we will register the packet receiving handler in a different location. 
-=== Client -> Logical Server === 
-When we send a packet from the client to the server, we will register the handler on the common side. 
-=== Logical Server -> Client === 
-When we send a packet from the server to the client, we will register the handler on the client side. 
-<code java> 
-// We are using S2C here for an example, use C2S instead if this is from the client to the server NetworkManager.registerReceiver(NetworkManager.Side.S2C, EXAMPLE_PACKET_ID, (buf, context) -> { 
-    Player player = context.getPlayer(); 
-    // Logic 
-===== Sending the Packet ===== 
-=== Client -> Logical Server === 
-<code java> 
-FriendlyPacketBuf buf = new FriendlyPacketBuf(Unpooled.buffer()); NetworkManager.sendToServer(EXAMPLE_PACKET_ID, buf); 
-=== Logical Server -> Client === 
-<code java> 
-FriendlyPacketBuf buf = new FriendlyPacketBuf(Unpooled.buffer()); NetworkManager.sendToPlayer(player, EXAMPLE_PACKET_ID, buf); 
-===== Handling the Packet ===== 
-The packet buffer supplied is a stream of bytes sent over the network, you must read it in order of how you sent it. 
-Let say, we want to send a block position and an item stack to the server. In between creating the packet buf and sending it, we can write our data to it. 
-<code java> 
-FriendlyPacketBuf buf = new FriendlyPacketBuf(Unpooled.buffer()); 
-NetworkManager.sendToServer(EXAMPLE_PACKET_ID, buf); 
-And then on the server, we can read it. 
-<code java> 
-NetworkManager.registerReceiver(NetworkManager.Side.C2S, EXAMPLE_PACKET_ID, (buf, context) -> { 
-    BlockPos pos = buf.readBlockPos(); 
-    ItemStack stack = buf.readItem(); 
-====== Message Channel ====== 
-First, we need to register a message channel for our packets to go through. 
-<code java> 
-public static final NetworkChannel CHANNEL = NetworkChannel.create(new ResourceLocation("examplemod", "networking_channel")); 
-Then, we will create a message class like this: 
-<code java> 
-public class ExampleMessage { 
-    public ExampleMessage(FriendlyPacketBuf buf) { 
-        // Decode data into a message 
-    } 
-    public ExampleMessage() { 
-        // Message creation 
-    } 
-    public void encode(FriendlyPacketBuf buf) { 
-        // Encode data into the buf 
-    } 
-    public void apply(Supplier<PacketContext> contextSupplier) { 
-        // On receive 
-    } 
-After this, we will register the message into the channel. 
-<code java> 
-CHANNEL.register(ExampleMessage.class, ExampleMessage::encode, ExampleMessage::new, ExampleMessage::apply); 
-===== Attaching more data with the message ===== 
-For any data we want to add to the message, we will want to add fields, then add logic to encode, and decode it over the network. 
-Let say, we want to send a block position and an item stack to the server. 
-<code java> 
-public class ExampleMessage { 
-    public final BlockPos pos; 
-    public final ItemStack stack; 
-    public ExampleMessage(FriendlyPacketBuf buf) { 
-        this(buf.readBlockPos(), buf.readItem()); 
-    } 
-    public ExampleMessage(BlockPos pos, ItemStack stack) { 
-        this.pos = pos; 
-        this.stack = stack; 
-    } 
-    public void encode(FriendlyPacketBuf buf) { 
-        buf.writeBlockPos(pos); 
-        buf.writeItem(stack); 
-    } 
-    public void apply(Supplier<PacketContext> contextSupplier) { 
-        // Do logic here 
-    } 