

FluidStack is a platform-agnostic API of handling a Fluid type, CompoundTag nbt, and long amount.

The actual implementation differs with the platform, with 81000L and 1000 being the bucket amount for Fabric and Forge respectively.

You may convert between Architectury's FluidStack with Forge's FluidStack and Fabric's FluidVariant with FluidStackHooksFabric and FluidStackHooksForge. Methods that convert from Architectury to platform does not do a copy, while the reverse will create a wrapper object that could be memory-intensive.


ArchitecturyFluidAttributes allows declaring more properties for creating and defining a fluid. Most of the methods contain nullable types, please make sure you check the null-ability often.


SimpleArchitecturyFluidAttributes is a simple implementation of ArchitecturyFluidAttributes with a builder-style setup. Extending this class may be easier than extending the base interface.

Creating the Attributes

public static final ArchitecturyFluidAttributes EXAMPLE_FLUID_ATTRIBUTES = SimpleArchitecturyFluidAttributes.ofSupplier(() -> EXAMPLE_FLUID, () -> EXAMPLE_FLUID_FLOWING);

FLOW and SOURCE isn't defined yet, we will define them later.

With SimpleArchitecturyFluidAttributes, you can define extra attributes of the fluid, such as the texture, color, temperature, or whether it can infinitely convert to source. You can read the JavaDocs of ArchitecturyFluidAttributes.

Registering Fluids

Registrar Order

On Forge, Fluid Registry is ran after blocks, that is why the LiquidBlock constructor takes a supplier of the fluid you create afterwards. However, this isn't the same on Fabric, registering fluids should go before registering blocks.

If you are using the DeferredRegister<?> API to register content (see #Registry), you should move FLUIDS.register() before BLOCKS.register() and ITEMS.register(). The order of .register() does not matter on Forge, but it does on Fabric where it registers immediately.

Creating the Fluid

public static final RegistrySupplier<Fluid> EXAMPLE_FLUID = FLUIDS.register("example_fluid", () -> new ArchitecturyFlowingFluid.Source(EXAMPLE_FLUID_ATTRIBUTES));
public static final RegistrySupplier<Fluid> EXAMPLE_FLUID_FLOWING = FLUIDS.register("example_fluid_flowing", () -> new ArchitecturyFlowingFluid.Flowing(EXAMPLE_FLUID_ATTRIBUTES));

Creating the Fluid Block

// Copying the fluid block properties of a water block, you can change that
public static final RegistrySupplier<LiquidBlock> EXAMPLE_FLUID_BLOCK = BLOCKS.register("example_fluid", () -> new ArchitecturyLiquidBlock(EXAMPLE_FLUID, BlockBehaviour.Properties.copy(Blocks.WATER)));

Creating the Fluid Bucket

public static final RegistrySupplier<Item> EXAMPLE_FLUID_BUCKET = ITEMS.register("example_fluid_bucket", () -> new ArchitecturyBucketItem(EXAMPLE_FLUID, new Item.Properties().tab(EXAMPLE_TAB)));

Adding our blocks and buckets to the Attribute

You may find that some of these fields are not accessible because they are forward referencing, you can avoid this by qualifying the field owner class.

public static final ArchitecturyFluidAttributes EXAMPLE_FLUID_ATTRIBUTES = new SimpleArchitecturyFluidAttributes(() -> ExampleRegistries.EXAMPLE_FLUID, () -> ExampleRegistries.EXAMPLE_FLUID_FLOWING)
    .blockSupplier(() -> ExampleRegistries.EXAMPLE_FLUID_BLOCK)
    .bucketItemSupplier(() -> ExampleRegistries.EXAMPLE_FLUID_BUCKET);

Adding the fluid to Tags

A lot of the logic depends on vanilla tag #minecraft:water and #minecraft:lava, you can read more on them here.