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Reload Listeners

The ReloadListenerRegistry class allows developers to register PreparableReloadListeners for different PackTypes.


register(PackType, PreparableReloadListener)

This method registers a `PreparableReloadListener` for the specified `PackType`. This method is not recommended since the identifier for your listener is randomly generated by Architectury, and may be hard for other mods to declare dependency on your listener.


register(PackType, PreparableReloadListener, ResourceLocation)

This method registers a PreparableReloadListener for the specified PackType and associates it with the specified listenerId.


register(PackType, PreparableReloadListener, ResourceLocation, Collection<ResourceLocation>)

This method registers a PreparableReloadListener for the specified PackType, associates it with the specified listenerId, and specifies the dependencies of the listener.

Note: The dependencies sorting only functions on Fabric or Quilt.



Here's an example of how to use the ReloadListenerRegistry class to register a PreparableReloadListener for the CLIENT_RESOURCES PackType:

public class MyReloadListener implements PreparableReloadListener {
    // implementation of PreparableReloadListener methods
// register the listener
ReloadListenerRegistry.register(PackType.CLIENT_RESOURCES, new MyReloadListener());