====== Welcome to the Architectury Wiki! ====== Architectury is a toolchain aimed to ease developing multiplatform mods. It consists of the optional [[api:introduction|Architectury API]], our [[loom:introduction|custom fork of Loom]], our [[plugin:introduction|custom Gradle plugin]] and [[https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/16210-architectury|an Intellij IDEA plugin]] to go with all of it. ---- For support and discussions, you may use the [[https://discord.architectury.dev|Architectury Discord Server]]. === Get Started as a Dev === If you wish to build your mod for all the mod loaders out there, [[plugin:get_started|get started here]]. If, instead, you want to manually replace ForgeGradle with Architectury Loom, read on [[loom:introduction|here]].