====== Using libraries ====== External libraries can be used in mods built using Architectury Loom very much like in normal Gradle projects by adding them as Gradle dependencies. The exact setup, however, depends on the kind of library and the targetted mod loader. ===== Mods as libraries ===== Mods can be used as libraries on any platform by using any of the [[plugin:gradle_configurations|dependency configurations]] prefixed with ''mod'', e.g. ''modImplementation''. Loom automatically remaps the mods to the current mapping set used in the project if they use the modding platform's intermediate names -- this means SRG names on Forge, and [[https://github.com/FabricMC/intermediary|Intermediary names]] on other platforms (including Architectury common projects). Code example for depending on a mod such as Fabric API: dependencies { // "modImplementation" remaps Fabric API to the project mapping set, // but otherwise behaves the same as "implementation". modImplementation "net.fabricmc.fabric-api:fabric-api:$project.fabric_api_version" } ===== Non-mod libraries ===== External libraries that are not mods can mostly be used exactly like in regular Gradle projects without Loom. // build.gradle dependencies { // This example project requires Jankson both at compile time and // at runtime, so we'll add it to "implementation". implementation 'blue.endless:jankson:1.2.2' } This has one exception: on Forge, you need to add all libraries available at runtime to ''forgeRuntimeLibrary''. FML doesn't discover non-mod files by itself, so you have to manually add them to the bootstrap classpath. Code example for depending on non-mod libraries: // build.gradle of a Forge project dependencies { // This example project requires Jankson both at compile time and // at runtime. We'll add it to both "implementation" and // "forgeRuntimeLibrary" to achieve that. implementation 'blue.endless:jankson:1.2.2' forgeRuntimeLibrary 'blue.endless:jankson:1.2.2' // We only need this library at compile time, so it is not added // to "forgeRuntimeLibrary". compileOnly 'com.example:some-other-library:1.0.0' } ===== Nesting libraries inside mods ===== On all platforms, libraries can be nested in the final mod jar using Loom's ''include'' feature, which supports both mods and other libraries. As an example, let's use the fictional project from above that requires Jankson. To include Jankson within the mod as a nested jar, you only need to use ''include'': dependencies { // This example project requires Jankson both at compile time and // at runtime, so we'll add it to "implementation". implementation 'blue.endless:jankson:1.2.2' // We also want to ship Jankson inside our mod, so let's use "include" too. include 'blue.endless:jankson:1.2.2' }